Free support.

As a customer, partner or distributor, you have access to free support from our service engineers to help you fix potential problems. Call or email us. You can also contact your local Datek representative or search for common problems below in our FAQ and documentation section.


  • Check battery levels and if necessary, replace.
  • Listen for fault signals from the transmitter. If it beeps 1-8 times, check that all joysticks and potentiometers are set to zero and try to restart the transmitter.
  • If cable connection is available, connect the cable and try to restart the unit.
  • If the problem persists, contact Datek for support.
  • The transmitter is on but there is no connection to your Datek receiver.
  • If available, press the FREQ toggle switch for more than three seconds. A verification signal indicates when a new frequency has been selected.
  • If cable connection is available, connect the cable and try to restart the unit.
  • Ensure that there are no other radio transmitting devices nearby that could interfere with the signal.
  • If the problem persists, contact Datek for support.
  • Currently, these operations can only be performed by Datek or authorised
    service partners.
    Contact us for more information and we’d be happy to help. 


Here you’ll find manuals and documentation about all our products and systems. Contact us for login details and more information about how this works.